Moving forward with infinite financial possibilities.
We are committed to moving your family forward every step of the way to reach your goals, attain your dreams and enjoy financial stability.
The Credit Union Difference
Credit unions have been around for many years, and have always practiced the philosophy of “People Helping People”. Unlike banks who return profits to its stockholders, credit unions are not-for-profit proprietorships. When you become a member of LaPorte Community FCU, you become part owner. This system allows members to enjoy the profits, along with the advantages of lower loan rates, reduced service charges and higher yields on savings products.
Credit Unions Are Safe & Secure
Because credit unions are committed to the financial well-being of its members, they operate more conservatively than other financial institutions.
Your deposited funds are safe at LaPorte Community FCU. As a member, your funds are federally insured by NCUSIF (National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund). Not one penny of insured savings has ever been lost by a member of a federally insured credit union. Our focus has always been and will continue to be the members’ best interest.
For more information and current insurance amounts, please refer to the NCUA Brochure, “Your Insured Funds” available at the credit union.